Are all above answers in your own handwriting?
General Rules Governing the Conduct Of All Officers, Guards, and Other Employees Of The Reformatory, Anamosa, Iowa.
I. Every officer of the Reformatory must bear in mind the nature of the institution and service into which he enters, the peculiarity of the duties required to be performed and the moral obligations he assumes; his personal conduct must accord with these obligations.
II. He must remember that the Reformatory is designed as a place of punishment for persons who have violated the laws, and that it also aims at the reformation of the individual.
III. Every officer is expected to see that the rules of the institution are observed by the prisoners. He is also expected to conduct himself when on duty, as well as when off duty, in such a way that he will inspire in the prisoners sentiments of respect for his own moral principles and character.
IV. Every officer when off duty is expected to be watchful of his company and the places he frequents. He must discharge his personal obligations, debts, etc, with fidelity and honor. The Warden will take steps to acquaint himself with the conduct and general habits of every officer of the institution and will retain no man in the service whose conduct is questionable.
V. It is the duty of every officer to make himself acquainted with the provisions of The Reformatory Act, with the rules of this institution and with the orders posted from time to time on the bulletin board. He must obey all rules and orders readily and enforce obedience to them upon all who may come under his authority.
VI. All persons accepting and retaining any position as officers must do so with the full understanding that they are to give a prompt and willing obedience to the rules governing the institution and the orders of the administration. They must faithfully and industriously perform the duties assigned them, and any person who cannot comply cheerfully should not accept a position on the force or should immediately resign.
VII. Any officer desiring to leave the service of the institution is required to give thirty days' notice of his intention to do so, otherwise all pay due him will be forfeited to the state. While the administration is willing to give the same notice when the interests of the institution are not jeopardized, it reserves the right to dismiss at any time, without notice, by paying in full for all services rendered.
VIII. Officers are required to report to the Deputy Warden morning and evening that their time may be correctly kept. They must be at their respective posts promptly at the appointed hour.
IX. No officer will be allowed to absent himself from duty under any circumstances without permission from the Warden or Deputy. Should an officer be suddenly taken sick he must immediately send information thereof to the Warden or Deputy, so that his place may be temporarily supplied.
X. Officers are strictly prohibited from carrying newspapers, books, or other reading matter inside the walls of the institution, or leaving any citizens' clothing inside the yards, cell houses or places of employment.
XI. Officers must not hold conversation with the prisoners except as the nature of their business may require, and all familiarity between officers and prisoners is prohibited.
XII. Officers must not sell to, buy from, or borrow anything of a prisoner, and must not give to or receive from a prisoner any message, either written or verbal, except by permission of the Warden or Deputy.
XIII. Officers are prohibited from using abusive, indecent, insulting or profane language to the prisoners or in their presence, or in or about the institution.
XIV. Officers are prohibited from discussing, within or without the limits of the institution, the manner in which another officer performs his duty and from making any remarks which might tend to reflect upon the character of such officer or the management of the institution. They are also prohibited from discussing in the presence of the prisoners matters relating to the discipline or management of this or similar institutions.
XV. Officers are prohibited from smoking within the walls, cell houses or offices of the institution during working hours for prisoners, except when off duty and in the room designated as the Guard Room.
XVI. Officers must not keep or use intoxicating drinks in or about the institution, and are cautioned against overindulgence in their homes. Intemperance while on or off duty, frequenting saloons or disreputable places, will be sufficient cause for immediate dismissal.
XVII. No officer will be permitted to exchange duties with another officer except in cases of emergency, and then only with the consent of the Warden or Deputy.
XVIII. Every officer is hereby notified that the Warden has the right to exact his services either day or night, if necessary, without extra remuneration, in any capacity for which he may be considered qualified.
XIX. Officers who have sleeping rooms at the institution must report to the Deputy Warden whenever they purpose to absent themselves from the institution during the night. The outer doors of the institution will be locked at 11 PM. Officers returning after that hour without special permission will be reported to the Warden or Deputy.
Additional Information
Officers, guards and employees are entitled to a vacation of 7 days on completion of the 1st year's service, 10 days on completion of the 2nd year's service, and 14 days on completion of each year's service thereafter.
The salaries paid range from $50 per month to $60 for guards and keepers, Captains of Cell Houses $65, Yard Officers $65, Foremen $75 to $100, Engineers $60 to $100.
Ask three well known and respectable citizens to mail personal letters the The Warden, Anamosa, Iowa, giving whatever estimate of your character, sobriety, steadiness, industry and reliability they chose to make.